Saturday, October 31, 2009

I gots a class schedule!

Yes after the annoyingness of trying to get an advising appointment and not being able to due to the stupidity of my college trying to implement a new online scheduling system at a horrible time I have a schedule for the spring semester. Well after getting up at 6:45 this morning and driving to school on a Saturday for walk-in advising. Oh well, I have it and yeah.

Spring 2010 Class Schedule
Business Law 301~ MWF 8:00-8:50
Business Admin. 353~ M 2:30-3:20 (Lecture), F 12:20-2:15 (Discussion)
Finance 425~ MW 3:40-4:55
Business Admin. 361~ TR 8:10-9:25
Accounting 321~ TR 9:40-10:55

I'm getting there. On track to graduate fall 2010. I can't wait for that. Even if I have to take summer classes too. I don't care. I'm doing what I must. I was gonna rant on the bad things about my college but I don't feel like it anymore xD Just know they're disorganized as all heck.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Wait, what's this game again?

Been so long since I played it I can't recall xD
Joking aside, finally got to play MK2 again today. The horrible week of exams is over. I know I did well on one already and the other 2 I'm confident I did well. I am happy. Very much so. And I'm still on Chapter 4 of Ulrika's path! Hopefully I will progress much further this weekend. After my horribly ruined Saturday morning. Ugh. I'll save that rant for another day. But for now, screenies!

Really now, Chloe? Are you serious?

Weirdest team ever~

Thus ends my random post for the day~
Oh and a special thanks to Artie for all your support this week. It was a tough one in many ways with getting sick and exams. But thank you for everything. I got through this with your help. I know it goes without saying but I had to say it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Might as well say this too~

Since I made a post today, it must be said. Ahem~


Yet another reason I wanna get done with school~

The big week of exams~

Why did it have to end up like this!? 3 exams in one week is killer! Taking away the small amount of free time I barely have. No fair. I cannot wait for this semester to be over. Christmas Break get here fast please. I'm waiting for December 10th. The last day for me. Then I can relax at least a little bit. Must keep trying hard~ 1 year left after this. Just one then I'm outta here. There is no other point to this point other than me ranting xD

I feel better now~

Friday, October 23, 2009

More funny stuff~

I approve of my character's humor xD This is good stuff~
And unstable internet sucks. So much. This is what I did with no internet for a while.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So that ARM game~

Yeah! I told you guys!

Looks at my awesome team. lol the mouse *huggles Pooky*

No way! Just kidding xD We can stay. Only for you Infel~

Yes! Butt kicking time!

Hehe, that's right~

Infel no coming with? *sad'd*

Anyways, tis a fun game. And addicting. It's just special because it has characters that people from ARM made in it xD So anyways, it's a character recruitment type of game. With that ARM to Hand Village being the base. I don't even know how many characters are in this already. Over 50 I know. I look forward to the rest of the game. Will be interesting. I thank Trass for all his hard work so far ^_^

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Here's what I mean by randomness~

Hm, some say she's silly but I think she's just like me. Oh, that's the same thing~

Yep, she's the sweet one. So much easier to take her picture. She doesn't move as much.

Imma play the PS2 just like my granny~

Yeah, remember I'm still petting you even though you're chewing on my headphone cord~

Enjoy the randomness!

So I made this dealie~

I dunno why. I just did xD
So yay, I can put random stuff on here! After I'm done messing with it still.
Oh and yeah, surprise Artie. This is what I did when I was supposed to go to bed ^^
So yeah, gaming and other stuff for the most part here. And maybe mushy stuff. If I dang well feel like it. Ahem. Anyways. Yeah. Now I'm going to bed.