Saturday, October 31, 2009

I gots a class schedule!

Yes after the annoyingness of trying to get an advising appointment and not being able to due to the stupidity of my college trying to implement a new online scheduling system at a horrible time I have a schedule for the spring semester. Well after getting up at 6:45 this morning and driving to school on a Saturday for walk-in advising. Oh well, I have it and yeah.

Spring 2010 Class Schedule
Business Law 301~ MWF 8:00-8:50
Business Admin. 353~ M 2:30-3:20 (Lecture), F 12:20-2:15 (Discussion)
Finance 425~ MW 3:40-4:55
Business Admin. 361~ TR 8:10-9:25
Accounting 321~ TR 9:40-10:55

I'm getting there. On track to graduate fall 2010. I can't wait for that. Even if I have to take summer classes too. I don't care. I'm doing what I must. I was gonna rant on the bad things about my college but I don't feel like it anymore xD Just know they're disorganized as all heck.


  1. Such a stupid system they have. Though we've been through this twice already~

    Wow one lecture & one discussion session in that one class? o_O That one must be a cake walk. Never seen that before.

    Anyway, tis good that it's all sorted out now ^_^

  2. Mhmm. I should be able to sign up for my own classes. Without an adviser. My parents said the same thing. Oh well. Just gotta deal with it one more time actually. Because next semester I'll get signed up for summer and fall at the same time. We'll have it all sorted out to graduate too. Pretty exciting~

    Yeah I don't know about that class xD That just seemed weird to me. We shall see what that's about. MWF's are so messed up though. Stretched out hours. I won't be leaving school and coming back either. Waste of gas. I'd rather just stay. I can study or something. Anyways, I shall get through anything for what I want.

  3. Hehe ^_^ Yes, it is exciting~

    o_O Whoa! I didn't even notice that huge gap before. Yeah, totally a waste of gas, but also a major waste of time too. I'll keep your mind off it as much as I can though~

  4. I know right? And late in the afternoon is the only times they offered Finance 425. No morning sessions. How annoying. The others were the same way. No really good way to schedule them together. I wasn't surprised though. Anyways, I know you'll help ^_^ It'll all be fine~
